Dental veneers can fall off for several reasons.

1. Poor cementation: If the veneers are not cemented correctly, they are likely to come off. It is essential to consult an experienced and qualified dentist.
2. Bruxism: The habit of grinding teeth can exert excessive pressure on the veneers, causing them to detach.
3. Injuries: Blows or trauma to the mouth can cause the veneers to come loose.
4. Wear overtime: Over time, veneers can wear down or deteriorate, especially if not properly cared for.
5. Poor dental hygiene: Inadequate dental hygiene can affect the adhesion of the veneers.
To prevent veneers from falling off, it’s important to choose a qualified dentist, identify bruxism if you have it, be careful during risky activities, and have regular check-ups.

1. Oral hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to avoid plaque buildup and cavities.
2. Avoid hard and sticky foods: Do not bite hard objects like ice or nuts and avoid sticky foods that could damage or dislodge the veneers.
3. Staining food and drinks: Limit the consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, and other foods that can stain the veneers.
4. Protection during sports: Use a mouthguard if you play contact sports to prevent damage.
5. Regular dentist controls: Schedule regular check-ups with your dentist to ensure that the veneers are in good condition and to do periodical professional cleanings.
